Cheapest Online Colleges for Associates Degrees

Cheap online associates degrees are not hard to find, but many of them aren’t even worth whatever little tuition they charge. An affordable associates degree program is a good thing, but not if it is of poor quality or lacks accreditation and respect in the marketplace.

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For our list of the cheapest online colleges for associates degrees we took into consideration quality, accreditation, reputation, as well as cost. While these may not be the cheapest associates programs online, we do think they are among the most affordable in the long run when you take into account the quality of the education you will receive and the respect your degree will bring among employers. All of the schools on the list are accredited (most regionally) and offer a broad array of associates degree programs to choose from.

#1. Baker College Online

Baker College Online is the online branch of Baker College, a for-profit academic institution. Baker College provides on-campus courses for students residing in the state of Michigan. All of the degree programs offered by the university are intended to prepare students for placement in a career. Military Advanced Education rated Baker College Online as a military-friendly college in 2013.

Online Associate’s Degrees
Baker College Online provides students with the ability to complete an entire associate’s degree program online. Business and applied science degree programs are available through Baker College Online. Concentrations include accounting, management, marketing, computer programming and web development. The tuition rate of $215 per credit hour makes the university one of the most affordable academic institutions that offer online degree programs. Military personnel are offered a special rate of $165 per credit hour.

Baker College Online is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

#3. Ivy Bridge College

Ivy Bridge College is an online school that offers associate’s degrees in subjects ranging from business to computer information systems. Founded in 2008, the school is affiliated with Tiffin University. Ivy Bridge College is also known as “America’s Transfer College” due to the high numbers of students who matriculate at four-year schools after graduating with an associate’s degree.

Online Associate’s Degrees
Students can enroll in a number of popular, online programs at Ivy Bridge College, including Health Care Administration, Corrections, Sports and Recreation Management, Law Enforcement and Accounting. The online, General Studies degree transfers to four-year institutions, and students are encouraged to learn the basics of college-level writing, humanities and fine art history. Full-time students pay around $4,463 a semester for 12-16 credit hours. Part-time students pay $420 a credit.

Ivy Bridge College is currently accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Higher Learning Commission.

#5. Kaplan University

Kaplan University is a higher education institution that is owned by Kaplan, Inc. While the university provides most of its coursework through the online college, multiple traditional campuses are also operated under the Kaplan name.

Online Associate’s Degrees
Kaplan University offers 13 associate’s degree programs. Available programs include nursing, medical transcription, paralegal studies, human services, early childhood development, criminal justice, business administration, accounting, and more. The tuition for each program ranges from $305 to $371 per credit hour, depending on the program. The university offers multiple forms of financial aid, including federal and state assistance. Tuition reduction is also available to some students.

Kaplan University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The university is also a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Some of the online programs are approved or accredited by additional agencies.

#6. Liberty University Online

Liberty University Online is a private academic institution that is headquartered in Virginia. The university was founded as a Baptist college in 1971 and maintains itself as a Christian college today. Distance learning opportunities available through Liberty University Online allow students to pursue most of the degrees offered on campus. Over 80,000 students are currently enrolled in an online degree program through Liberty University.

Online Associate’s Degrees
Liberty University Online offers all of its associate degree programs in an online format. Majors include accounting, business, criminal justice, education, paralegal studies, psychology and religion. The affordable academic institution charges a tuition rate of $340 per full-time credit hour and $385 per part-time credit hour. Military personnel are given a discounted rate of $250 per credit hour.

Liberty University Online is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Individual academic programs are also accredited by agencies related to each major.

#7. Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University is a private university that was founded in 1933 to train business professionals. Online programs offered by the academic institution have been highly rated. The New Hampshire Business Review rated the online business program at Southern New Hampshire University as the best in the region.

Online Associate’s Degrees
Southern New Hampshire University offers many of the associate degree programs available through the academic institution in an online format. Degrees that can be earned online include accounting, business administration, computer information technology, fashion merchandising, justice studies, liberal arts and marketing. The university offers an affordable tuition rate of $960 per course. Students who are active in the military are offered a discounted rate of $675 per course.

Southern New Hampshire University is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Individual programs are also accredited by organizations that give this distinction to specific majors.

#10. Everest University

Everest University is a for-profit academic institution located in Florida. It is one of over 100 campuses included in the Corinthian Colleges group. Everest University is aimed at providing programs that fit into the busy schedules of working adults. On-campus classes are available during the day, at night and on weekends. Online courses are also available for students who are unable to attend on-campus classes.

Online Associate’s Degrees
Everest University offers online associate degree programs that are fully accredited. Majors include accounting, business, applied management, computer information science, criminal justice, homeland security, paralegal studies and criminal investigations. While the exact cost of an education through Everest University varies according to program, tuition for an entire year of education costs an average of $14,000. The tuition for online degrees at Everest University makes it affordable for anyone to pursue higher education.

Everest University is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.

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